Busy preparing the Golden Grass for the next level, Gauri is soft spoken lady in her late 30’s. A mother of 3 children, Gauri has been a dedicated artisan for over 5 years. The supervisors are quick happy with her skills which allows her to work in almost all departments – be it preparation, designing, pasting or finishing. She lost her husband tragically in the floods on 2010 when her village was inundated in flood waters for nearly 10 days.
Being a gritty lady, she gathered here life and started again and today is single handily managing her household. Gauri is herself educated till 10th grade and her youngest kid is nearly 5 years and the eldest is about 9 years. She hopes to see them well educated and well settled.
“जब मैंने २०१० की बाढ़ में अपने पति को और अपना सब कुछ खो दिया, तो मुझे लगा की जैसे मेरी ज़िन्दगी रुक गयी थी | मेरे ३ बच्चे थे और आय के कोई साधन नज़र नहीं आ रहे थे | मुझे लगा की सब खत्म हो गया है | मगर मैंने जब अपने बच्चों का मुहं देखा तो मुझमे यह शक्ति आयी की मैं अपने ज़िन्दगी एक नए सिरे से शुरू करूँ | मैंने अपने गाओं में सिक्की घास से चीज़ें बनाने वाली एक कार्यशाला में काम करना शुरू किया | आज मैं इस काम के सब पहलू जानती हूँ | मैं यह आशा करती हूँ की mere बच्चे पढाई लिखाई करें और अपने अपने ज़िन्दगी में सफल हों |“
English Translation
“When I lost everything including my husband in the floods of 2010, I felt that my life had come to halt. With 3 children and no means of income, I felt like I had lost everything. But when I saw the faces of my children, I got the strength to start my life again. I joined a workshop making Sikki Grass Souvenirs and am now well versed in all the departments. I hope that my children are well educated and be successful in their lives. They should become strong human beings”