Munna is a national award winner Zardouzi embroidery artist based in Sikandrabad UP. He and his family members are engaged in the effort to nurture and retain the now nearly extinct art form of “zardozi” embroider. Once patronized by the Royals this work used to be done in real Gold and Silver threads and would adorn the dresses of the royals.
Over the years Munna has adjusted to the market dynamics and continues to amaze with his beautiful workmanship which ranges from Clutch Bags to Dresses.
“मैं अब ५० साल का हो गया हूँ और मैंने यह कला अपने गुरु श्री कुरी से ७० के दशक में सीखी थी | पिछले कई सालों में फैशन के स्टाइल बदले हैं | मशीन एम्ब्रायडरी का चलन बढ़ गया है | मगर मैंने अभी भी अपने हाथ से कारीगरी करना नहीं छोड़ा है | मेरी एक छोटी फैमिली हैं और मेरे २ बेटे हैं - १८ और २० साल के हैं | वह यह कला मेरे से सीख रहे हैं एंड मैं यह आशा करता हूँ के वो जो काम भी करें उसमे सफल हों तथा एक अच्छे इंसान बने |

English Translation:
“I am now 50 years old and learnt this from my mentor Mr. Kurie, under whom I learnt this art in early 70’s. Over the years, the fashion trends have changed. Machine Embroidery has become more popular. However, I continue to do the embroidery by hands. I have a small family and my boys now 18 and 20 years and learning this art from me. I hope that they succeed in what they do and become good human beings”